3 Skills to develop in preschoolers

Preschool Childcare Development Education Curriculum Milestones Activities Learning Caregiving Playtime
3 Skills to develop in preschoolers

Listening skill and how to develop it:

   • In order to develop this skill, the educator must give short and easy instructions in clear terms, not dry or difficult to understand, so as not to distract the children's attention and concentration.
   • Give children enough time to talk and follow the words of others by encouraging them to pay attention to the words of their classmates as much as they pay attention to the educator's words.
   • Establishing a good relationship based on affection between the educator and the children is the strongest positive aspect that helps them develop their ability to develop effective listening skills.

The skill of cooperation and how to develop it:

      Cooperation (teamwork) is a child's ability to work with others and participate in activities and tasks in a positive way. This trait is considered important in the development of children at this age, as they learn how to interact socially and build friendships.
      When a child cooperates, they are able to offer help to others, listen to their ideas and opinions, and be patient and respectful towards them. They are able to participate in group games and group activities without causing clashes or trouble.
      Through educational activities and group games that encourage sharing and social interaction, educators and parents can play an important role in fostering this trait by praising the child when they show cooperation and motivating them to develop it further.
      Through the educator's programming of group activities during the school day, the child can develop a set of skills that develop a sense of cooperation and sharing. What do we mean by cooperation and sharing? Sharing toys or games with a group of children - doing joint activities are actions that indicate joint work and instill the spirit of cooperation and team spirit among children.
      The skill of cooperation and sharing is one of the skills that help build and develop the child's personality, in addition to gaining many experiences through friction and cooperation with others, helping him to accept others and make friends, and reduce his sense of selfishness and self-love, which supports the child's confidence in himself, and supports his multiple skills.
      Building a child's cooperation skill begins in early childhood, which is the stage when the child begins to recognize the environment and others more consciously and understand what is going on around him.

So how can this skill be developed?

       The educator works to help the child integrate with his peers by providing a safe environment for the child to play and cooperate with other children.
       The educator explains to the child the importance of cooperation and communication with others in a simple way through stories that illustrate the importance of cooperation in our lives, such as the story of "The Union is Strong" and other fun stories.
       The educator respects the child's limits in case the child does not want to share and cooperate with others.
       Familiarize the child with his/her roles in the department, according to the countries of responsibilities, and familiarize him/her with the roles of other children and motivate and encourage him/her to cooperate and share with his/her peers in carrying out their roles.
       Asking the child questions to help build the concept of cooperation, such as how do we cooperate to help our friends?
       Not comparing the child's performance in his ability to share with others with the performance of other cooperative children, for example (we do not say to the child, "Look at these children and be like them, how they cooperate, play and help their friends, why can't you be like them?") But we must encourage and motivate the child to cooperate without comparison or scolding.
       Help the child play team games, in addition to motivating him to participate in sports classes, through which he develops team spirit, acceptance of others and respect for the role, which will support the skill of cooperation from a young age.

The skill of concentration and how to develop it:

      A child's ability to focus on a particular task or activity for a period of time without being distracted by other things is an important aspect of a child's mental, social, and emotional development.
       In kindergarten, children gain experience and training in focusing through educational activities, games, and interactions with teachers and peers. Focusing at this stage is not easy, as children are usually distracted due to their natural curiosity and constant discovery of the world around them, but training and stimulation help to gradually develop their ability to focus.

A child's focus depends on several factors, including:

    • Age and development: Concentration improves as a child grows older and develops their mental and neurological development.
    • Interest and enjoyment: When an activity is challenging and fun, a child tends to focus better.
    • Environment: The environment plays an important role in stimulating concentration. A stimulating and organized environment contributes to better concentration in a child.
    • Guidance and support: Guidance from educators helps children learn how to focus and use tools and techniques to help them focus.
        It is important that focusing is practiced in the context of educational and recreational activities that do not impose great pressure on the child, where the main goal is to encourage curiosity and exploration and provide challenges appropriate to the child's level of development, focusing can gradually improve over time and practicing activities that enhance this ability in the child, it is known that concentration is required for young children to learn, and poor concentration may impair their ability to learn, given that concentration is one of the most important mental processes that play an important role in cognitive development in the child as he can select the sensory stimuli that help him acquire skills and tactics.

So how can this skill be developed?

       The game of finding the differences between pictures is one of the best fun activities that enable the educator to train children to concentrate.
       The educator copies the picture containing some details, making sure that the details of the picture are few, then asks the children to look carefully at the picture for a specific time, then takes it out of their sight and asks them to draw what they remember from it, then the educator compares the two pictures, with the aim of training them to focus and not to test their artistic skills.
       The school tools game where the educator brings some of the department's tools, such as a pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener, etc.
      The educator will place them on the table and then ask one of the children to look with paper, tape and scissors ..... The educator can do the exercise in two ways, the first is to ask the child to list all the tools he remembers from the tools and the second is to hide one of the tools and ask him to mention what he hid.
       Walking on lines (e.g. a straight line) The educator draws a straight line on the floor, and asks the children to walk on it without going off the line. The educator must give the instruction clearly and not give two instructions at a time: It is better for the educator to ask the children for one request and then move on to the other once the first one is achieved, as giving the child many orders is distracting.
       Thinking and concentration games The educator can train and enhance children's ability to concentrate through concentration games that require thinking, planning and using memory, such as confusing games, puzzles and card games such as "Memory"
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