The most important goals and methods for developing the identity of preschoolers educators

Preschool Childcare Development Education Curriculum Milestones Activities Learning Caregiving Playtime educators
The most important goals and methods for developing the identity of preschoolers educators

The most important goals of developing an educator's professional identity:

        The development of professional identity aims to continuously develop the capabilities of each educator, taking into account that they are developed as the needs evolve, in addition to overcoming the specific issues facing them according to their specificity, and many of the objectives that we summarize as follows:

• Raising the level of performance of the educator by acquiring new cognitive and practical skills in his field of work.

• Increasing his ability to think creatively to enable him to adapt to his work on the one hand, and to face and overcome his issues on the other hand.

• Deepen his commitment to the ethics of his profession and his appreciation of the value and importance of his work. - Reducing the need for supervision, follow-up, and performance monitoring by supervisors.

• Developing the educator's love for the profession and understanding its social importance.

• Refreshing information, keeping abreast of developments, modern techniques, and refining skills. Establishing the principle of continuous learning and relying on self-learning methods.

• Linking theory and practice.

• Developing the skills of employing contemporary educational technologies and using them to effectively communicate information to the learner.

• Empowering the educator with the skills of using information sources and searching for all that is new and advanced.

• Contribute to the formation of advanced learning communities that provide effective services to the community.

• Contribute effectively to addressing educational issues in a scientific manner.

• Developing assessment skills and competencies.

The most important methods of developing an educator's professional identity:

          Developing the educator's professional identity is an ongoing process that aims to improve his skills and knowledge and develop them continuously. There are many methods of developing the educator's professional identity that he must commit to applying and working on them to achieve the maximum possible benefit, and one of these methods is receiving training courses Formation and continuous training play a crucial role in developing the educator's identity, so the educator must be constantly updated with the latest modern educational curricula and methods, by attending training courses and workshops that contribute to improving his activation skills and better understanding of the needs of children.

          Familiarize yourself with foreign experiences: The educator can gain a broader vision by observing and following up on innovative experiences and research in the field of primary education at the global level by learning about recent developments, which will enable them to improve their activation methods and develop a more effective approach.

          Use a variety of methods and techniques: The educator must be ready to adopt diverse and innovative activation methods to attract children's attention and motivate them to learn. He can use interactive technology in the classroom to achieve the desired goal.Training on modern technology: The educator must be familiar with the latest technological developments and modern ways to invest in learning, as technology plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of education and making it more effective and interesting.

          Striving for excellence and professional development: The educator must adopt the desire for continuous improvement and strive for excellence in the field of education, which will enable him to set clear and specific goals for himself and work professionally to achieve them.

          Continuous self-development: Educators must be willing to regularly evaluate their performance and work to improve their weaknesses so that they can seek new sources of knowledge and read and view scientific research to expand their knowledge and develop their abilities.

          Paying attention to the psychological aspect: The educator must be concerned with his/her mental health and interest in improving the quality of his/her personal life, as the educator's work requires great energy and can face complex challenges, so it is important to maintain the health of the mind and spirit.

Tips to help educators develop their professional identity:

To develop your professional identity as an educator, it is worth using the following steps:

• Look for challenges and opportunities: Try to expand your area of expertise by identifying areas that need development and new learning. Look for continuous learning opportunities and training courses that increase your knowledge and develop your skills.

• Build a strong network: Try to build relationships with colleagues and industry experts. This network may open up new opportunities for learning, professional growth, and expanding your circle of influence.

• Improve your professional practice: Stay up-to-date with modern practices and research related to education and try to apply the best standards in your daily work.

• Connect with parents: Listen to their feedback and needs and be available to communicate with them, and make sure you build a good relationship with children and their parents, this will enhance their trust in you as an educator and strengthen your professional identity.

• Handle challenges wisely: You will face challenges in your work as an educator, which is normal, so try to deal with them wisely and build a constructive solution and use coworkers or professional references to help solve the issues you may face.

• Rely on technology: Be sure to keep up with technological developments in the educational field. New technologies can help you improve the learning experience for children and increase your effectiveness as an educator.

• Develop leadership: Work on improving your leadership skills. Leadership and the ability to positively influence others strengthens your professional identity and increases your chances of advancement in the field of education.

        Perseverance and commitment to continuous development will help you build a strong and professional professional identity as an educator. Striving for continuous personal and professional development and improving yourself in your field will make you feel satisfied and confident in your career path.

In conclusion:

          An educator's professional identity is a necessity to form the personality of a successful educator, as his awareness of his professional identity has a great impact on his interpretation of his different roles and his mental perception of how he performs these roles, and it also affects his self-efficacy and motivation to work and facilitate the planning, implementation and application of the teaching-learning process, as well as enriching and developing curricula and achieving proper communication with others. However, any imbalance or disturbance in the educator's professional identity will in turn lead to the weakness of the coping and coping skills needed to face various educational difficulties, and thus the level of motivation to achieve and fulfill the required tasks will decrease.

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